Gretavia Askew, Logistics Coordinator in Atlanta and Pace Culture Warrior, says she is a strong believer in the Golden Rule. Treat others how you would want them to treat you. A model of Pace’s core value to Do the right thing, Gretavia says she tries every day to “treat everyone with the same love and respect that I would like to receive.”
Gretavia contributes to the Pace Line haul Team’s efforts in her key role stationed out of our Atlanta facility. She is responsible for booking loads, setting driver schedules, and creating and nurturing relationships with our customers. As a practitioner of The Golden Rule, Gretavia is in a good place within the Pace organization.
The Golden Rule is found in most of the world’s current and historical religions and cultures. In the 1993 “Declaration Toward a Global Ethic”, 143 leaders of the world’s major faiths endorsed the Golden Rule.
Gretavia’s commitment to following the Golden Rule and to Do the right thing have earned her the respect of her teammates and a newfound title of Pace Culture Warrior. In this quarter’s Pace Culture Warrior Survey, Gretavia received three different nominations for Culture Warrior of the Quarter!
One nominator wrote, “I work remotely, and all I have is conversations with her over the phone. She is always willing to help me no matter what. If she can’t, she will find the right person, and she will call you back to see if the problem has been resolved. There have been many times that it had nothing to do with her job. She is always someone who wants to see things get done RIGHT. Thank you, Gretavia!!”
A second nominator reported that Gretavia “will go above and beyond to help the company. She definitely has helped others in different departments than her own.”
Gretavia’s daily practice of The Golden Rule is evident in her third nominator’s words. “Gretavia treats everyone with respect even when she is coaching people. It is not difficult to see that she truly enjoys her work and is committed to our company.”
Gretavia acknowledges that it isn’t always easy to Do the right thing. “Sometimes, doing the right thing requires long hours and teamwork,” she said. At Pace, we know collaboration and commitment help us to accomplish our mission to Serve and improve lives through logistics. Pace Culture Warriors help the entire team in this endeavor!
Gretavia, congratulations on your Culture Warrior award and thank you for being a model for us of the Golden Rule and Pace’s core value to Do the right thing!