Melanie Gee was selected as Pace’s Culture Warrior of the Month for August most notably for her positive approach and commitment to our team members’ success.
Position: Talent Acquisition Specialist
Location: Pelham, AL
Years of Service: 1 Year
Why Melanie Gee?
Melanie was selected as the August Culture Warrior of the Month for continuously portraying Pace’s Core Values and instilling them in all of the new team members she interacts with!
Melanie has been a Pace team member for just over a year, but she has already grasped what it means to be a part of the Pace Team! She has portrayed our values in all of her actions since joining the team. She has made an impact on the Pelham, AL office and all those she interacts with through her positive, “can do” attitude. Melanie portrays our Core Value to Get the Job Done while maintaining a Relentless Servant Spirit at all times! She is always hard at work finding new Pace Team Members who also meet our values.
For some time, she was the only member of our recruiting team – fulfilling a role that previously required multiple employees – and Getting the Job Done with great success! With all of the new business we have added this year, it has been an especially challenging job to coordinate our staffing needs on short notice. Melanie has remained positive throughout our startups, working diligently to hire W2 employees and to coordinate coverage with staffing agencies. Melanie fills the open positions we have as quickly as she can, showing a commitment to Get the Job Done and Do What you Say by answering calls, emails, and questions at ALL HOURS of the day and night. Not only that, but she also takes the extra time and attention to Do the Right Thing. She shares a positive light on Pace by educating our future team members about what it means to be on the Pace team and share our values. Not to mention, she just has a positive and caring spirit that doesn’t falter.
In the Pelham office, Melanie can be heard speaking on the phone to potential team members and external vendors, sharing a positive and helpful perspective about Pace. You can tell that she cares for our future team members and wants to do what she can to make their first impression of Pace a good one! She is goes the extra mile to serve them and answer any questions that may arise as they are beginning their journey on our team. She makes sure they are properly welcomed and that they have all the resources they need to start off successfully, touching base with them to see how their experience is going and helping them during each step of the on-boarding process. We could all benefit from being as positive, caring, helpful and hard working as Melanie!
Melanie doesn’t simply focus on filling open positions with just any talented individuals, but instead, she focuses on ensuring they have the skill set as well as Pace’s values to start a successful career at Pace. She has a genuine passion for her job. She truly cares about her prospects, her new hires and her teammates. She’s always conscious of her reputation as well as the company’s reputation. With that mindset, Melanie strives to satisfy Pace’s core values in everything that she does. Pace is fortunate to have Melanie on the Team!
Keeping Pace sat down with Melanie to learn more about our August Culture Warrior of the Month.
What values are important to you?
Golden Rule: Treat others as you would want to be treated.
Which core value do you identify most with? And why?
Always Improve. I push myself to the next level, so working in an environment that embraces this has been a major blessing for me. Our HR Manager and our Director of Legal have really given me the opportunity to take ownership and leadership in my role, while also supporting me. To me, this proves that they believe and implement the Always Improve core Valve. I could never accurately express how much this means to me.
What inspires you?
People who are always trying to grow personally and professionally. Observing someone with true grit.
What do you when you’re not at the office?
I have a ton of fun with my family: Michael – husband, Maezie – Daughter (13), Morris – Son (11), and Dobby- Puppy (almost 2)! (Pictured above). Both my sisters and their families, as well as my parents and Michael’s family, live in town, so we spend a lot of time together. It’s really important to my sisters and me that all the cousins are close. We love to travel, cook at home, go eat out at yummy restaurants, go to the kids’ sporting events (football, lacrosse, and dance), and University of Alabama football games. Our favorite place is Lake Martin, where we go almost every weekend in the summer. We are on the go a lot, and we have a great time together! Most importantly, I want to give them the best of me.
What’s the best thing/your favorite part about working for Pace?
My favorite part about working for Pace are the relationships that I have cultivated. I speak with our Field Operations Teams regularly and get to know those contacts and how hard they work. This really pushes me to want to deliver and help them in their efforts. They are so respectful and thankful for any help that Recruiting extends to them. Regarding the candidates, I enjoy getting to know them, and when I speak to someone who is working to better his or her situation and grow, I really want to go to bat for that person. This is very humbling for me. I’m so grateful to come across these people in my life!

Pace’s Culture Warrior Initiative is dedicated to helping the Pace Team live and breathe our core values daily.