Melinda Estes
Customer Service Representative Bessemer, AL 10 Months with Pace |
Melinda was selected as Pace’s September Culture Warrior for displaying Pace’s core values in all that she does!
Whether she is interacting with a customer, a Pace Team Member, or one of our drivers, Melinda consistently portrays Pace in a positive light and provides an excellent example of our culture. Always going the extra mile, she is a customer advocate and a true team player – doing whatever it takes to support her team and the customer! She can always be found with a positive outlook and perspective, even in the most stressful situations. She is a true asset to the Pace Team and example of our values!
Melinda has been recognized multiple times by Pace customers, teammates, and leadership for going above and beyond in her role. She does her part to Do the Right Thing everyday for Pace and our customers. When issues arise, Melinda does not stop until she has found a solution for the situation. Recently, she adjusted her schedule so that she could spend time in the warehouse learning about the freight processes of Pace’s customers. She made it a priority to learn the ins and outs of our customers’ businesses in order to better understand the intricacies of their needs and help solve their problems. In less than a year, she is already the go-to for anything related to her accounts and does all she can to effectively manage them from a customer service standpoint. She recently received a shout out from one of our customers for receiving 100% in all areas of the Customer Service Scorecard. She was specifically thanked for her efforts in communication – showing our customer that we are committed to our core values to Do What You Say and to Serve Relentlessly.
Melinda has the unique gift to maintain her cool, even during stressful conversations and situations. She has positive interactions with the Operations Teams and other departments, making calls with her beneficial and effective for all involved. Recently, during a system conversion, the Customer Service Team experienced various challenges and (despite the expected hiccups), Melinda embraced the change. Melinda did her part to learn the new system, find shortcuts, and create new processes to help service her customer base. She quickly incorporated the changes into her daily routine, made it a point to use the new system correctly, and was always willing to help a teammate overcome similar challenges. Melinda maintained a positive outlook throughout the conversion, and she showed her commitment to Always Improve and to Get the Job Done.
Melinda is a true asset to the Pace Team and we are proud to name her Pace’s Culture Warrior of the Month for September!
Keeping Pace sat down with Melinda to learn more about September’s Culture Warrior.
Briefly describe your typical day at Pace.
Typical…lol…what’s that? Each day at Pace is different, which is why I love it! I’m basically an investigator and a fireman. I find out about an issue or identify it and then work diligently to put out the fire and find the solve!
What’s your favorite part about working for Pace?
Number 1- my coworkers! I truly enjoy being a part of the Pace Team and working with my teammates each day. We have an amazing team, and we have a “How can we help?” attitude in Customer Service always!
Number 2- The daily challenge is probably what I love the most. There is never a dull moment at Pace! As my knowledge continues to grow, so do my relationships with drivers, operators, and customers.
What values are important to you?
Integrity – “Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not.” – Oprah Winfrey
Which core value do you identify with most? And why?
I relate to ALL of them- wholeheartedly! But the core value I relate to the most is “ Do What You Say”. You can guarantee that anything I say will be done!
What is one of your proudest moments/biggest accomplishments while working at Pace?
Proudest moment and biggest accomplishment- that’s tough! My proudest moment was when I was pulled aside by our management team to tell me how pleased a customer was with me. It was very reassuring to know this particular customer was happy with my work!
What inspires you?
Inspiration is all around us. Look at someone who is passionately doing a great thing. Creativity is contagious.
What do you when you’re not at the office?
Hiking with the puppy I rescued when I’m not working my 2nd job 😊.
Briefly describe your journey with Pace.
My career in logistics started when I was 18, so about 12 years ago. I had a natural passion for the industry – just got it from day one. I was employed at C.H. Robinson (which was Phoenix International when I left). I moved from Chicago to Alabama, and it took seven years to end up in the place God had set for me. While working through a temp agency, I got a call that I was scheduled for an interview with Pace. I am so fortunate it worked out, and I was able to start a position with Pace. I did not see myself ever being this blessed to work with such an amazing group of people. I am thankful each and every day I get to come to work and make a difference in any way I can!

Pace’s Culture Warrior Initiative is dedicated to helping the Pace Team live and breathe our core values daily.