Pace is proud to name another Culture Warrior of the Month, Joseph Barnett! Joseph is one of the Logistics Supervisors in our Hammond, Louisiana location, and he demonstrates Pace’s culture in all that he does.
Do the Right Thing
Joseph was nominated for his response to Hurricane Laura that recently effected many parts of Louisiana. When he learned about the dire circumstance that much of the state is facing as a result of the storm, Joseph immediately jumped into action. Demonstrating Pace’s value to Do the Right Thing, Joseph suggested that we do our part to meet the Governor’s request for donations and other supplies. Joseph volunteered his time to coordinate receiving and delivering four pallets of water to a local food bank to distribute to those affected by the storm. Joseph’s call to action and support for the victims of Hurricane Laura is just one of the many ways he demonstrates Pace’s core values in his daily life.
Get the Job Done
Joseph’s top priority is to Get the Job Done. As he shared in his interview with Keeping Pace, this is the Pace Core Value that he is most passionate about. Since joining the Pace team last year, Joseph has realized how important it is to step up and do what is needed to successfully meet the needs of our customers.
Jeff Melvin, District Manager for the Louisiana market, shared, “Joseph joined the team during peak season of 2019 and has taken on every challenge and every task head on since then. He has handled everything we threw at him and more. “
Living Pace’s Core Values
Earlier this year, when many economies were shutting down temporarily due to COVID-19, Joseph showed his commitment to Pace and to serving our customers relentlessly. During this uncertain time, Joseph was nimble and willing to take on a new role to meet our changing needs. As a result, he started driving a customer route out of Baton Rouge until he was able to return to his current position as a Logistics Supervisor. He seamlessly made the transition to driver and did the same when he returned to Hammond.
Eric Kessenich, Logistics Manager in Hammond, shared, “Joseph works day in and day out by the Pace Core Values. He always does whatever it takes to Get the Job Done and Serve Relentlessly – from running a line haul because a driver was unavailable, to working extended hours on the warehouse floor covering the induction line on a holiday. He has a high level of integrity and a keen sense of focus to Do the Right Thing. During his tenure with Pace he has learned all of the ins and outs for each of our valued customers and is still always trying to find ways to improve upon his knowledge or enhance the customer’s experience.”
Pace is fortunate to have Joseph as a member of the team, and we are proud to name him Culture Warrior of the Month!
An Interview with Joseph
Keeping Pace sat down with Joseph to learn more about our newest Culture Warrior of the Month.
Briefly describe your typical day at Pace. I start off the day by dispatching all drivers and getting the warehouse ready for induction for sorts. Throughout the day I continue to monitor Inbound/Outbound while handling any customer related issues.
What’s the best thing/your favorite part about working for Pace? Pace is always growing and looking ahead.
What values are important to you? Integrity is very important to me as without it there is no future.
Which core value do you identify with most and why? Get the job done is me all the way. No matter what is needed, I will step up and get it done.
In your opinion, what makes Pace’s culture unique? It’s like a family atmosphere. We all play and kid with each other. At the end of the day, we have each other’s back.
What is one of your proudest moments/biggest accomplishments while working at Pace? Being able teach drivers on proper DOT inspections and Geotab Training.
What inspires you? Seeing the good in people – people who are willing to help other just to help and ask for nothing in return.
What do you do when you’re not at the office? I love to take my family on weekend getaways to parks or beaches. With COVID times though, I’m mostly watching Bubble Guppies with my son or playing dress up with my daughter, and then I get to do house chores.
Briefly describe your journey with Pace. I started with Pace almost a year ago. It was right at the beginning of peak season. Construction of the new office was in progress, and there was no conveyor in the building. What a wild ride that was, but it helped me learn the business quickly! Now we are getting ready for round 2!