Reggie Jones
Pace is proud to announce our Culture Warrior of the Month—Reginald “Reggie” Jones. Reggie oversees Pace’s operations for one of our largest automotive customers across Pace’s markets in Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois. Reggie is Pace’s Culture Warrior of the Month because he sets a shining example of Pace’s Core Values.
For starters, Reggie demonstrates how to Serve Relentlessly. He understands that customer relationships are key, which is why he strives to think like the customer. Reggie tries to anticipate each of our customer’s needs and pain points, so he can proactively solve for them. Reggie has a passion for customer relationships, and he practices empathy by putting himself in the customer’s shoes to provide superior service.
Reggie’s Background and Mindset
At an early age, Reggie began to understand the retail market while his family owned and operated a grocery store. He often thinks about the small businesses that drive America’s economy. To Reggie, each of our automotive customer’s stores is like a small business that requires our dedicated service. He does his best daily to serve each of them and help them succeed. With this mindset, Reggie demonstrates Pace’s Core Value to Do the Right Thing. He understands the important role Pace plays in helping to carry out our customer’s mission and to meet their customers’ needs.
Michael Horton, Pace Logistics Manager and Culture Warrior Champion, shares that Reggie goes above and beyond to keep every market at 100%. He exhibits a willingness to help out that makes everyone successful, even if that means traveling to other locations or pitching in to finish a task. Michael notes that Reggie carries out Pace’s Core Values, especially his commitment to Get the Job Done.
When Pace launched new operations for a customer in South Carolina earlier this year, Reggie was right there to work on the implementation and training. His goal was to ensure that Pace exceeded our customer’s expectations from the get-go.
Throughout his career, Reggie has gained an understanding of the dedication and efficiency necessary to successfully solve logistics challenges. Prior to joining the Pace Team, Reggie had a successful thirty-year career in logistics. Reggie brought this wisdom to Pace and quickly implemented changes to his markets, showing his dedication to Pace’s Core Value to Always Improve.
We are fortunate to have Reggie as a member of the Pace Team, and we are proud to name him Pace’s Culture Warrior of the Month!
An Interview with Reggie
Keeping Pace sat down with Reggie to learn more.
Briefly describe your typical day at Pace.
I start each day at 5:00 am. The first thing I do is communicate any information I have related to the overnight deliveries. Doing this in a timely manner is very important. I communicate with Pace’s Dispatch and Customer Service Teams and then finally to our customer’s management team.
I then move on to reporting and conference calls. Next, I visit customer locations. Communication again is the most important part of my role. Throughout the day, I communicate with both our customers’ stores and our independent contractors on any delivery issues. I conclude the day by making sure to effectively communicate to Pace management and customer management on overnight linehaul deliveries.
What’s the best thing/your favorite part about working for Pace?
I enjoy working in a positive workplace where hard work is recognized, and opinions are valued. I enjoy working with Jeff Fuqua and Michael Horton to help the Pace business succeed in the Nashville and Kentucky markets.
Briefly describe your journey with Pace.
Before joining Pace, I had the opportunity to service one of Pace’s largest customers for the last six years. During this time, I learned what this customer’s needs are. When Pace had an opening for the Logistics Supervisor role in Nashville two years ago, I was contacted by Jeff Fuqua and Jesse Durham about joining the Pace Team. I quickly accepted the position. I had experience in routing and coordinating routes with previous employers, and I felt this would be the perfect fit for me and for Pace.
My new primary customer at Pace would be a partner I was very familiar with, and I understood what was needed for Pace to successfully support their business. I was excited to join the team! Steve Callahan, our Senior Leader, has been great to work with on this journey.
In your opinion, what makes Pace’s culture unique?
All the Core Values that Pace has in place can help you succeed in the logistics business. Pace understands its customers, which is the key to servicing them in a competitive “need-it-now” world.
What is one of your proudest moments/biggest accomplishments while working at Pace?
Helping with the start-up of new business in Myrtle Beach, SC earlier this year.
What do you do when you’re not at the office?
In my spare time I enjoy all sports, fishing, and music.