Safety – It’s Always in Style
We hear about safety a lot these days, don’t we? Here at Pace, safety is always our #1 priority. It’s a 24/7 365 day-per-year consideration. We strive for a safe work experience for all of our employees and contractors every single day, and we have protocols in place to ensure it. When we discuss new relationships […]
Are Electric Vehicles the Future of Freight?
Electric Power Gains Momentum Electric powered vehicles, long an alternative-fuel staple in the consumer market, have been much slower to gain acceptance in the commercial market. Several vehicle manufacturers, along with advocates in both the public and private sectors, are encouraging the adoption of electric freight vehicles for the logistics industry. While diesel will certainly […]
Understanding Unsafe Driving Behaviors to Improve Safety
Safety on the Road We know that safety is vital. It’s important not only to the integrity of our business and for the well-being of our carriers, customers, and communities, but also for the health of your business, too. Safety – more specifically, preventable driving behaviors – can have a significant positive impact on reducing the […]
The Rising Demand for Customized Final Mile Services in B2C
B2C Deliveries Are on the Rise The COVID-19 pandemic, and the resultant lockdowns and quarantines ordered this year by state and local municipalities in various forms, has not only changed how consumers order and take possession of their goods, but has also greatly reshaped the landscape regarding how these goods are delivered. Long-haul freight and business-to-business (B2B) […]
Pace Names Joseph Barnett as Culture Warrior of the Month
Pace is proud to name another Culture Warrior of the Month, Joseph Barnett! Joseph is one of the Logistics Supervisors in our Hammond, Louisiana location, and he demonstrates Pace’s culture in all that he does. Do the Right Thing Joseph was nominated for his response to Hurricane Laura that recently effected many parts of Louisiana. […]
Choosing the Best Vehicles to Start – or to Grow – Your Business
Investing in vehicles for your owner-operator business is important. Here’s what you need to know. If you’ve been following Pace’s Drivers’ Blog, you already know that Pace is dedicated to helping you grow your owner-operator business. From Seven Secrets to Success for Owner-Operators to Which Structure is Right for Your Owner-Operator Business?, our series on […]
EOS Drives Culture at Pace
At Pace, our system for running our business is EOS, The Entrepreneurial Operating System. Created by Gino Wickman and described in detail in his book Traction, EOS provides us a structure by which we clarify our roles, plan, prioritize, collaborate, solve problems, and measure results. EOS provides us with consistency and guidelines on how we all work together. Without short-changing our individuality, EOS is designed to reduce (and hopefully eliminate) dysfunction and frustration. As Wickman and Tom Bouwer write in What The Heck is EOS?, “Why […]
Introducing the Pace Fantasy Freight League
Safety and service go together as Pace’s teammates help our customers achieve their logistics goals. Delivering the right product, to the right place, and at the right time is what our service is all about. Accomplishing this safely is essential to all of us. The Pace Fantasy Freight League was created this year to bring fun, healthy competition to Pace’s operational success – defined by service excellence, meeting GP goals, and […]
Which Structure is Right for Your Owner-Operator Business?
One of the most important decisions you will make when starting your new business as an owner-operator is choosing which business structure to use. Depending on the state where you plan to register your new business, there are several entity types available. Each one has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, so carefully consider which […]
Growing Your Own Business Series: Session One
New year, new business goals? The trucking and transportation industry provides the supply chain with the infrastructure that is necessary to keep it running. Truck drivers are less likely to be unemployed than any other workers, and (according to the U.S. Census Bureau), over the last decade, America experienced a steady growth in revenue from trucking businesses, leveling off at […]