“Success means we go to sleep at night knowing that our talents and abilities were used in a way that served others.” – Marianne Williamson; author, speaker, Presidential candidate
PACE Core Value Serve Relentlessly Shows the Way
Pace Sales Support Specialist Marlie McLoughlin’s dad was the youth pastor for their church. Each summer they would go on mission trips. “Most churches picked the fun and easy trips since it was technically “vacation time”, Marlie said. “Not us! We would always pick the most difficult trips because we knew those people needed help the most. I would say that is where my serving heart came from.”
Marlie said Pace’s core values- especially Serve relentlessly- are great ones to stand by. “I know people find me rough around the edges because I hold myself and everyone else accountable to these values.. but these values are what makes Pace such a great place that our customers know and love,” she continued.
This past fall Pace scrambled to rapidly find solutions for multiple shippers when their final mile provider abruptly discontinued service. Marlie cited our efforts to save the day as a practical demonstration of caring and serving. “The way we all stepped in to either provide service for customers or help lead them into the right direction was awesome to watch. We also gained new teammates who have been beneficial to Pace and a wonder to work with!” she said.
Born and raised in Clay, Alabama, Marlie’s upbringing instilled in her heart the drive to serve.
“We went to Gulfport, Mississippi in 2005 after Hurricane Katrina,” she said. “We slept in tents with no air conditioning and port-a-potties, in a neighborhood that had been severely damaged. We painted a few houses and I even learned how to roof a house! Another year we went to Savannah, Georgia and worked at a camp for the deaf. We helped paint and rebuild their bunks for summer camp for the kids.”
As Sales Support Specialist Marlie works with the sales team and advocates both for Pace Operations and our customers. “I’m by nature a helper and a fixer,” she says. “I will always find the answers – even if it takes a while.”
When not at work “helping and fixing” Marlie spends all her time with family. “My son Dakota is a little mini me,” she said. “Including the attitude and the curls. Our family makes everything an adventure – regardless of if it’s a trip to the grocery store or renovating a whole house – we do it up big! My husband has a Trans Am which is currently in pieces due to upgrades, but when it is together we are at the racetrack every weekend! You can catch me cheering for the Tennessee Vol’s during baseball and football season!
Whether volunteering to make the world a better place; or diving in whole heartedly to help a Pace teammate or customer; or adventuring with her family; Marlie puts her all into every endeavor. Being a natural for Serving relentlessly comes in handy!